chlorofluorocarbon - any of several volatile, inert, saturated compounds of carbon, fluorine, chlorine, and hydrogen: used as refrigerants, foam blowing agents, solvents

Did you know CFC’s were first synthesized back in 1928 as a safer alternative to the chemicals being used then in industrial refrigeration. And the idea of aerosol propellants was already being used by agriculturists in the U.S. to manage insect infestation with a pressurized spray.  After a century of use, wouldn’t you expect some type of growth?

It may have taken close to an average lifetime, but in 1974, after nearly five decades of use and an industry now worth a billion dollars, a couple scientists in California proved that the use of CFC’s was majorly contributing to the depletion of our ozone, and it was getting worse every year.

Once manufacturers got word of this, many voluntarily removed CFC’s from their production immediately, instead opting for recently developed substitutes like hydrofluorocarbons.

It didn’t take long for governments across the globe to take matters into their own hands, and in 1987 the Montreal Protocol was drafted and signed. Amendments have been added to the environmental treaty throughout the years that have all but eliminated the use of damaging CFC’s, with just a couple exceptions such as production in developing countries. According to the National Aerosol Association, more than 190 countries have now signed on to the protocol, and reports say phase out of CFC’s is nearing 90 percent completion. So, no. The can of hairspray you got from the drug store is probably not ripping a giant whole in our ozone anymore.

Like many industries, aerosol technology is constantly evolving. MBC Aerosol always makes it a priority to be diligently informed and ahead of the game. We always implement the latest technology and advancements to ensure your end-product is safe and ultimately, maximize your profits.