Decide which type of package you need for your product.
Conventional Aerosol Using Vapor or Liquified Propellant
Bag On Valve which separates product from propellant
Once you decide which package you want to use:
Contact an Aerosol or bag on valve component supplier to test your product out for completability and shelf life
Once your testing is complete or if you already know your product will work and you know which direction you want to go contact MBC sales for a quote.
Our machinery is modular so you can start with a semi-auto machine and grow into a automated line. Depending on what you grow into overtime you can use some or all of the machinery you start with.
What is difference between BOV and Aerosol?
Bag on valve Separates the product from the propellant and is considered a green alternative package. Because no liquified flammable gas is used the start up cost are much more affordable.
The Process:
Conventional Aerosol
Yes we offer benchtop stations or stations to mount on your existing line.
We offer a 1 year manufactures warranty except for common wear items which are standard maintenance parts which we call out in the manual.
Our US office hours are 8am to 5:30pm Mon-Friday although our team understands our customers needs and do there best to respond as soon as possible. If after hours support is needed it can be arranged.